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Topic 22 - Global anthropogenic changes occurring today that impact sustainability
Essential elements from today’s lecture:
In this lecture, we discuss the many global-scale changes that are occurring today that impact the sustainability of today's ecosystems. In this lecture we will discuss key topic areas affecting plant communities:
Topic 22 - Global anthropogenic changes occurring today that impact sustainability
Essential elements from today’s lecture:
In this lecture, we discuss the many global-scale changes that are occurring today that impact the sustainability of today's ecosystems. In this lecture we will discuss key topic areas affecting plant communities:
- Changes in human populations, concentrations of greenhouse atmospheric trace gases, and economic globalization as drivers of change.
- Increased land-use changes that alter biome structure
- Global increase in the abundance of nitrogen within ecosystems
- Increases in the abundances and distributions of invasive species
- Trends in emissions, temperature change, and how to bend the curve.
- Key findings from the latest climate assessment from the US Global Change Research Program